Crossroads is done!! I think I might put it back on the frame and feather the parts of the X that are quilted, it just doesn't look that even to me. But that's not gonna happen for a while. We'll see if it grows on me
Crossroads |
Crossroads back detail |
Crossroads border |
Crossroads back |
And since I finished one of the quilts on my to-do list, that means I get to start another one. This is one that will be for Hands 2 Help (did you sign up yet? see the button on the side). It's a double nine patch, which I found
here. A couple different layouts, not sure which one I like the most.
Double D9P layout 1 |
Double D9P layout 2 |
Double D9P layout 3 |
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Don't eat too many of those peeps or jelly beans :)