After I finished RRCB and she just came out of the drier I was all cuddled up with her watching a movie with my husband. I was beaming with pride when I felt something poking me, and I mean really poking me, like sharp, like a pin. And wouldn't you know it, I sewed a pin in the quilt!! And where was they pin?? Yep, the HSTs!! I don't know why but it was a pin that parallel to the seam rather than perpendicular and I must have ironed the fabric right over it. All that quilting and I never saw it. After about 20 minutes and the help of my trusty point on the seam ripper I was able to wiggle it out between two stitches. I'm so glad I found it rather than a guest!! And I'm so happy I was able to get the pin out with out ripping out any seams. Those silk pins are really sharp! Someone left a comment saying that's why you sleep with a quilt before it gets used by others to make sure they have sweet dreams and to get all the pins out.
I was also working on something a bit more colorful, a little baby boy quilt. This is my first french braid quilt. I'm going to make one in batiks this year, on my list of things to do. I got my CV (Amanda) back from the shop on Monday. Work week was busy so Amanda and I got reacquainted this weekend. I was in the sewing room all weekend long. Family members stoppes by every once in a while. This quilt was definitely a family design affair, two daughters and husband all gave design input. I think it turned out nice. Just need to get the backing and quilt it. 21 more days until the baby gets here so I have a little time.
While I was looking for some white fabric I found these little cuties in my stash. They must 5 years old. There were 11 of them. Ya, 11?? what's up with that? Well I also found some more of the same fabric so I can make a few more. I think it will make a wonderful quilt for project linus.
So it was a very bright weekend. Amanda is working like a charm. I have the patterns ready to go as well, I'll be sending out email to those that said they would like some. I've got the list. I also have a few books that I'm ready to part with and hoping they can find a good home as well.