Friday, March 15, 2013

Fresh off the frame for St Patrick's - Triple Irish Chain

I couldn't  wait to share, just pulled this off the frame.   I'll have better picture of the full quilt and other tidbits tomorrow.  Today just a couple of pictures.


  1. Oh my Sue, it is amazing!! Your talent is beyond belief. I certainly enjoy seeing your wonderful work.
    Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Nan Boudreau

  2. Oh wow, Sue, that's amazing! I can't wait to see the quilt in all its glory, but I can't blame you for wanting to get pics up right away!!! Whoop whoop!!

  3. Wow, that is great. I love what you did in the small sashing/border. Sure looks like a lot of work but so well worth it.

  4. Fabulous, Sue! Did you use extra layer of batting to get that trapunto effect, or was it just the close quilting around them. Love those diamonds.

  5. Oh goodness gracious me.........your a showoff!! LOL This looks stunning Sue. I'd hate to see what you can do when your totally "devoted" to the quilting....... this is amazing!

  6. wow! gorgeous, hope you charge a mint for that :-)

  7. Wow, that is fantastic! I am very far behind on checking out all my blog friends, This was a treat to see this morning.

  8. Wow! So amazing! On busy fabrics like this, I do not know how you keep your feathers looking so nice. I lose track of where I have been!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Just stunning! Your quilting leaves me breathless!


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