Terri from MI sent me another QOV that I finished up this week. I just love this one. The red and white material is not really pieced but I did STID as if it was. Nice stripes. And then free had feathers in the blue and setting triangles. Continuous curve on the Star and feathers in the background of the star blocks. This one went pretty fast. So fine on top, bottom line in the bobbin and Hobbs 80/20 batting. Pattern In Honor of http://www.fonsandporter.com/articles/In_Honor_Of_patriotic_quilt_of_valor_quilt
And here's Easy Street all pieced and ready to quilt. I just have to quilt something that's on the top of my "waiting to be quilted list" first.. Easy street turned out pretty big, 102ish square. I think I'll do a panto on this one. And yes I have one of those four patches sitting the wrong way and I'm just going to leave it :) My grey is light enough it just blends in.
I started something new last week, just love this one. I've wanted to make this quilt for so long. I have enough strings to possibly make 3! I can never estimate how many are needed. This one definitely has a red, white and plue theme to it. Maybe QOV donations, hmm that or Happy Chemo.
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