How long has it been since I've had a DWM without mention of Orca Bay? 8 weeks I think :) But it's done and the last post was Saturday. Ah, it's that odd feeling after you finish a Bonnie mystery and think, well what's next?? How can you beat a Bonnie mystery?
On Cyberquilters yahoo group they have curved piecing as the bucket project for Jan. I secretly LOVE curved seams. I don't do them very often, but when I do, I LOVE them. So while surfing the web, trying to get inspiration for quilting Labyrinth (please send me suggestions :) I came across the
Montana Cartwheel. I was in heaven, curves and stars, can it get any better??? Nope. Well I quickly went to EQ and drew up the block. That was the easy part. Then kept looking at that crazy pattern to figure out how it all goes together, I couldn't do it. I ordered the pattern. But while I was waiting for it to arrive, EQ was calling my name and here's what we came up with. I call this one Center of my Universe. I need to work on the borders. But you get the idea. It took me three tries to get the block right but I think I have it. Looks like one is missing huh? I just didn't get that far, but you get the idea. We'll see if this ever gets done or I just do 4 blocks and make it a trivet for the table. It's fun. That's my design computer. If you are interested in the EQ7 file it can be found
I also started a new quilt that is called
Beach Glass from Quilts made Modern They had a lovely stash of solids, me not so much. But I did have a stash of beach glassish fabrics right here. This is my design basket. Filled with strings that will turn into strips like these on with gray in between. I'm in love with gray right now. I expect you'll be seeing a lot more of it for a while on my blog. These colors really fit fairly well with the
Jan Color Palette Challenge
Oh and one other thing, I am taking my first ever quilt class. Yep that's right, I'm going back to school. I'm taking The Quilt Whisperer - QW101! Having a great time with it. One more week and I should have some amazing ideas for the kaleidoscope quilt.
Linking up with Judy to see what's all the other design baskets, on the design walls and design computers. On Tuesday linking up with
Quilt Story - Fabric Tuesday. On Wed there's
WIP at Freshly Pieced
All the buttons are on the side bar, you'll be so inspired after visiting all those lovely blogs.