I did exercise considerable restraint while quilting these. Normally I go crazy with the quilting but I just did SITD on the white one and some free motion swirls and squiggly lines on the Brown one. Both quilted in a day. I NEVER quilt anything in a day!!! It also helps that they are smaller quilts for kids. The white one is slightly larger at 52 x 60 and the brown one is 50 square. But at least there 2 things off the waiting to be quilted list. Two done, one more added (I finally finished the button hole stitching around the bugs on Snug as a Bug) leaves 6 on the list. Dang it, still too many!! Couple more weeks of quilting and it should all be under control. Hopefully ...maybe.....well we see what happens :)
I was so happy with my new found self control in quilting that I decided to start right away on Fair and Square. Funny, I started that one cuz I thought the Kaleidoscope quilt would have been too easy!! I looked at all those little postage stamps and thought, goodness what am I going to do with those. So I started leafing through a few my FMQ books that inspire me and found something that looked easy enough. On page 81 of Diane Gaudynski's "Quilt Savvy" book is "Diane-shiko". I thought, I have the grid, it's the piecing, it's almost like straight lines, like SITD twice. And no marking, I'm all about the no marking. Ahhh, at that moment I hopped right off the "take it easy with the quilting" wagon. Oh my, it's going to take me a while to finish this one. I've only started on the small squares and not even half way done. Then I have the centers of those blocks to do. I have a few ideas, hmm really need to narrow that down now don't I?! What ever I choose for the red square blocks will be replicated in the string blocks so I need to choose carefully. So what do you think? Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?
Those other six on the "Waiting to be Quilted" list, I going to be on there for a little while.
Thank you for sending a quilt on to our area - such a need by so many. It will surely be adding smile on a child's face - yes, they are being sure that all quilts donated go to children