
Tutorials and EQ7 Projects

Each bullet is a link to the tutorial or project -

  • Twinkle - EQ7 only - but you really don't need EQ7 - you need 42 10 in squares, you get 2 HSTs blocks out of 2 10 inch squares - draw a line diagonal on the  one of the 10 in squares, sew 1/4 in from both side of that drawn line and cut on the line when done.  Make your HSTs and arrange them nicely. I really like it better with a simple border, but I just couldn't find anything to go with it.
  • Twinkle

Reusable Washable Shopping Bags
    Direction to my Heart
    True lover's knot
    Stormy Dash
    Stormy Snail

    Center of my Universe
    Kitty Corner
    • Rainbow Log Cabin  You don't really need the EQ7 file for this, it's nice if you want to change the size of the center or the grey strips, it's easy to see what the new size is.  I started with a jelly roll and some 1.5 in strips.  My center is 10.5 x 2.5 then alternating 1.5 strips all the way around the center, followed by 2.5 in strips....until you get to the size you like.
    Rainbow Log Cabin


        1. Beautiful Patterns!
          Thanks for sharing,

        2. Great patterns, and great site--thanks for sharing!

        3. Love your blog and beautiful pictures - your quilting is Amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing these.

        4. These are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

        5. Sue, I keep trying to download the EQ project for the Budding Nine Patch and it brings me to my google docs/drive but doesn't let me view the BNP pattern. I'm at a loss :'(

        6. I am having the same problem as CraftyDeb. Thank you for all the wonderful patterns that you put in EQ7. Hopefully I can get the Budding Nine Patch one also because I really love how it looks.

        7. I just purchased EQ7. Maybe someday I'll be designing quilts, like this. They're beautiful.

        8. Just happened on to your site. Boy, I sure am happy! Thank you for the tutes.


        I would love to hear from you, comments and questions welcome!