
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cyberquilters D9P QAL

Cyberquilters (yahoo group) had a quilt along this weekend.  Lots of fun with the D9P.  I have 3 baby quilts done.  These are fabrics that I got at the estate sale a couple weeks ago.
Doesn't that make you dizzy?
Here's the first one before cutting the 9 patch. After below.  Love the backing fabric.  It's from Ikea.  My daughter needed a pillow. She got her pillow and I had enough left over for a baby quilt.  We all know how that happens :)
After - still makes me dizzy :)
At least the back doesn't make me dizzy
On the last two, I opted for simple border and getting them done.  Seriously, I love the binding best of all.

9 patch before
Quilt 1 after
Quilt 2 After
I quilted both of these at the same time.  They both have this backing fabric- Ikea fabric.
What fun that was!  I've got the "I need to start a new project" out of my system.  Now, back to those strings, gotta finish up the last one. So 3 baby quilts done and 18 miles on the bike this weekend.  Not too bad.

Linking up with
Patchwork Times

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. They are just so fun - and not a feather to be seen!

  2. They all look great! The black and white remind me of Gwen and Freddy's style. I really like the backing you mde from the leftover pillow fabric.

  3. They are both wonderful! That is some fantastic backing.

  4. Wow - great quilts!!! Now I really AM jealous that there's no Ikea near here! I didn't know they had FABRIC!!!

  5. Your quilts are beautiful. There will be lots of cuddles in these treasures!

  6. LOVE the Baby Einstein fabric. You did a terrific job. I only got the fabric cut out...and you COMPLETED THREE of them! Congratulations. Yours (and the others) were very motivating to me though.

  7. WOW, Sue!! These are AWESOME!!

  8. Beautiful D9P quilts! They are all so bright and cheery.

  9. WOW, what fun and seemingly quilt quilts. I love them all; the bright and fun colors and your quilting is fantastic!!

  10. Fantastic quilts! I love that backing fabric from Ikea. Now I am going to have to amble on over to my local Ikea and see what I can pick up!

  11. They are all awesome. I can't get over how much you get done - makes me feel like a slacker

  12. LOL - it's the backing on the first one that makes me dizzy. I didn't know Ikea sold fabric. Love the orange. And the binding is so neat. Gotta buy me some stripes. Fabulous quilting too.

  13. They are all great! That is amazing that you can have 3 such different looks, with the same pattern idea! Great job!!

  14. Very cute quilts. I guess I need to make another trip to Ikea!

  15. gorgeous and I have discovered Ikea fabrics and love them. I really wanted to buy the flower one but it wasn't "on sale" yet. Maybe in june when I go again. I love your swirl, but I gotta ask, how do you do straight lines, they are just killing me. I can't do them, I haven't invested in a ruler yet. I don't know where to begin

  16. Weee! What fun. And that black and white back ground fabric is sensational - love it. Thanks so much for sharing.

  17. What a great find at the estate sale. All of your quilts are stunning. I love all of the happy colors you used. Such fun!

  18. I'm just getting started with quilting. I can't wait til I'm confident enough to try something like this. GORGEOUS, all of them!!

  19. These quilt are just wonderful. I fully understand the feeling that you NEED to make something new!:-)

  20. What fun quilts and those backings are so neat! D9Ps are always son neat to make. Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday


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