
Thursday, May 31, 2012

FMQ Challenge May

Ok this one wasn't my favorite, but I got it done.  I'm not much on stippling and a double stipple was a bit better, well here it is.  I did the regular double stipple on the pin wheels and the railroad stipple on the outside.


  1. Oh, love the pezzy prints in the twister! And your new header looks fabulous.

  2. Super Cute!!! Those pinwheels look like so much fun, and the quilting just emphasizes that. Love your new header too :*)

  3. This quilt is a cutie pie! Love the prints and colors! I love your new header, too!

  4. I love the railroad tracks around the pinwheels.

  5. Really cool use of the railroad ties expanding and contracting to fit the space. They also curve really nicely around each of the corners.

  6. I like the way you made Railroad Tracks into a boarder.

  7. Very clever use of the railroad stipple. I do need to practice that as I have several twisters needing quilting - including an itty bitty twister.

  8. I've never seen the railroad stipple. It looks great on this quilt. I actually used a stipple panto the other day after you mentioned it. And, yes it made the quilt look great! Thanks.


I would love to hear from you, comments and questions welcome!