
Monday, September 12, 2011

Design Wall Monday - 9/12 remembered

I was hoping to get the top done but that didn't happen.  I did make some progress though, maybe tomorrow.  One more day off work and the husband has chores to do so I might be able to get the top done.  I'm still surprised how the different camouflages look together.  I really didn't think there was going to be enough contrast but I think it works.  I was hoping to have this done for her for 9/11 anniversary but that didn't happen.   I saw a lot of coverage about 9/11 and a silent prayer for those that lost loved ones.   But the day I really remember is 9/12.  The day after, when it really sets in that it's not a bad dream and the way the entire country banded together to help.  That day there were no party lines to divide us, we were a country united.  We were resilient, and a nation built on faith and hope.  Our spirit could not be broken.  We united to help those in need, and for the first time I understood what the "United" was in USA.  9/12 will always be the day I remember, when there was complete and total unity in the US.  While this quilt is for my niece Becky who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and is still serving in the Army, I would like to thank all those who help protect our nation and our freedom in so many different ways.


  1. Your quilt is great but I also love your sentiment about Sept 12th. I too noticed the feeling of reverence and quiet. People drove slower on the freeway and were quieter when speaking. I wish it could have lasted longer. Happy quilting!

  2. I saw your post about this quilt last week too and thought what a wonderful pattern it is and how well the two camo's work together. I am trying to come up with a single block using a few scraps of camo for a QOV quilt. I wish I could steal you idea, but mine is just a single! Good luck with the finishing.

  3. What a fabulous quilt!
    Thank you to your niece for her service. Hugs to her!

    I'm glad my post today made you smile. :) It's just me being me.

  4. So well said, Sue!! The quilt is spectacular! I am discovering that creating the quilt is the monument. The piecing gives an effect of shadowing. The entire project is a treasure! You need to get some fantastic photos before you give it away.


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