
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Irish Chain Surprise

 Oh my, I completed this quilt top over 10 years ago for my mother in law.  The picture really doesn't show the colors very well.  It's funny how we grow as quilters.   I have become much more adventurous in my color choices over the years!  We had just moved into a new house and  were remodeling.  We added 2000 sq feet! That's more room than what we started with!  Part of that was for an in-law apartment area for my mother-in-law.  But we got very busy very quickly and this quilt top went into a tub in the basement and well, out of site out of mind.

My youngest daughter is going away to college this week and needed some tubs.  She was going to go buy some. But I knew there was at least one tub down there with material in it.  Heck I just wanted to go through it and see if there was anything  I could put in my fancy new sewing room (how old does it have to be before it's not new - going on 8 months now, I still enjoy every minute in there, and it does feel like new!).  So I sent my husband down to the basement to find them.  Thirty minutes later, up he comes with two tubs in tow.  

Oh was I surprised to find the Irish Chain.  My mother in law was Irish and she really wanted something new for her bed when she moved in with us.  Well she did get something new, but not something I made.  Bless her heart, she's been gone for almost 2 years now.  I think she would have liked it.  I 'm going to finish this one and use it in the guest room.  Every time I see it, I'll smile.  Even though she never received this one, it will always remind me of her and bring back good memories.  And the border is a scrappy seminole border which is the skill of the month for the cyber-quilters.  I'm counting that as my project.  Well I can count if it I get it quilted and finished :)  I think this time, I just might be able to get this one done.


  1. I would say it is time. Too pretty a quilt, with too many good memories.

  2. That's gorgeous! Congrats to you for a great find and a wonderful finish. :)

  3. The quilt is lovley, and what a nice story and memories that come with it.

  4. Yea for working on and finishing UFOs. Nice to have those memories with a quilt.

  5. Beautiful Irish Chain! I hav wanted to do one ever since I started quilting but have been put off by the amount of cutting required. Maybe I need to check it out again.

  6. Beautiful quilt, yes you need to finish it and enjoy it. A quilt that makes you smile every time you see it will be a treasure.

  7. Lovely quilt and story. Glad you found it and can continue working on it. liz

  8. I agree with the other commenters...such a lovely quilt that holds wonderful memories. It will be great to have it finished!

  9. Both quilts are lovely and enjoy the memories!

  10. What a beautiful quilt and yes, it will always remind you of your MIL. I recently went through some boxes and was surprised at some of the quilt tops I found.


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