
Friday, March 18, 2011

Finished the Pastel String Quilt

Ok, I'm not sure I can still call this a string quilt.  The alternating blocks are string QSTs but that's it.  It's done, I"m not thrilled, but pleased that I did finish my first ever pastel quilt.  Now I'm going to start working on something with color, my husbands quilt. I finally got the center correct so I can paper piece and print out with EQ7.  So hopefully I can make some progress on  this one this week end.


  1. your quilt is lovely...looks like a lot of work...good for you getting it completed!

  2. I really love the soft pastels with this pattern. What is not ones' taste is anothers. Kuddos for sticking with it and finishing rather than tucking it away.

  3. It's so soft and comfy looking. I like the alternating strings with the hourglass/spool blocks. Nice finish!

  4. It may be more stimulating to you to work on a stronger colour combinations quilt but the quilt you finished will not take over a room's decor. I sometimes wonder how people decorate around some of these very bold quilts. Whoop!Whoop!

  5. Mmmmm, Sue, that's really pretty! Very feminine, soft and lovely looking. Whoop whoop!!!


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