
Monday, January 17, 2011

Design Wall Monday - oh the things I'll do to get out of Y-seams!

I have the day off today, so it's a fun filled sewing day.   The snow if falling and it looks so wonderful outside the sewing room window.  That's Rocco, he wants me to go out and play with him but he hasn't seen the design wall and all the things that need to be done!!

I am almost finished with the black and white string quilt, just a little more quilting and it will done!  I really am addicted to strings now, can't stop thinking about them.  This is the first time that I've pieced the back as well.  My measurements and math were off a bit (hard to believe I have BS in Math!) but I think it's good for my first try.

And then there is the cyberquilters monthly challenge.  We started out with Y-seams - oh my.  I gave it try, not my favorite thing to do, but we are trying to improve our skills right??  My block was anything but square.  I tried the Kaye Woods way with ironing the seams open and doing the pivot thing.  I had a few puckers that weren't horrible, but not as nice as I would like.  I'm going to try leaving the seam open a 1/4 inch and see if that works better for me.  I have a honey bun (is that what those 1.5 inch strip rolls are called?) that I'm using for the stars with alternating string blocks (yep more strings, I just can't stop!).  They are pastels which is really not like me, but I just love the colors.

And I'll do just about anything to get out of Y-seams so I've started the True Lovers Knot quilt for my nephew's wedding this year.  And I have the hugs and kisses marked and ready to quilt, same with Christmas lights without the Christmas.  I have the batting and backing for RRCB spray basted, haven't decided if I'll mark the quilt top or just do free motion.  And I pulled out the Baltimore Album quilt.  I'm going to finish it this year before June.  Hmm, the good thing about the Y-seams being first on the monthly list is that I'm getting a lot others things completed, just not the Y-seams ;)


  1. Love all your quilts. Where were you hiding that Album quilt? Gorgeous. Oh, I don't know if I will tackle the Y's either. I know the easy no-Y method and like it so much better. I don't like stressful sewing.

  2. Your quilts are lovely. Y seams are tricky. I have a book by Elenor Burns and the pictures made less confusing. They are a challenge. Your blocks looks wonderful.

  3. So beautiful. I would so nab that black and white string quilt!!

  4. I love your black and white string quilt! And the backing is great.

  5. The Lovers knot quilt will be stunning--looks like a lot of sewing, but I can see from your other quilts that you are up to the challenge.


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