
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Great weather for quilting!

The snow storms missed the Chicago area, but we still had a lot of wind and cold.   So I spent the day quilting.  One of my daughters gave me a a very special Christmas present!  She helped me get all of the Christmas Lights (without the the Christmas) together, how wonderful!!   I have 2 rows of 2 sewn together, so excited as I didn't expect to this far until January!  I think I'm going to use the pink as the first border (1 inch) and then the second border will be random strips from 1 inch to 2 inches of the jewel tones and purple.  Still need to figure out the second border and then followed by another thin 1 inch border of orange.  Any suggestions for the second border are greatly appreciated.

I also started quilting the Ricky Tim's quilt today.  I love free motion quilting.  I'm doing a simply echo quilting around the shapes.  I have to have this one done by 12/24 as it's for my sister for Christmas, but still have time and it goes quickly.

Christmas lights (without the Christmas)
Hope everyone is staying warm!


  1. Love your Ricky Timms quilt! I hope you are keeping that one. For borders, I am a love of scrappy - if you have enough of the jewel tones. It would help to have those darker colors in the second border to "frame" it. Pink-Jewels-Orange - would make it POP. And a dark binding.

  2. Both are wonderful quilts, thanks for sharing. The colors are so happy!

    My eye is wanting a new shape in the border, perhaps triangles or diamonds in teh same fabrics? A narrow frame of a dark shade might be nice first. Please do post the finished quilt so we can see!

    - Mary, The Curious Quilter
    In Saint Paul, where we GOT the snow!


I would love to hear from you, comments and questions welcome!