
Monday, December 6, 2010

Finally did a little machine quilting

I can move at least one small item from the "to be quilted" to the "finished in 2010" list!  Yeah, small victory but I'll take it.  I finished the snowman table runner.  All my girls will home next weekend for our Christmas together so I wanted to make the table festive. 

I did finish all 60 string blocks for RRCB.  A couple of people mentioned using the back of the fabrics which I did unintentionally on a couple but then intentionally towards the end.   I wish I would have thought to do that from the very beginning as I would have had a bit more variety in the blocks.  I love seeing all the different blocks.  The purple as neutral - one of my favorites.  I think a string quilt in 2011  will be on my to-do list. Especially since I cut soooo many neutral strings!  I've been seeing a number of quilts that I really like with strings.

I can move at least one small item from the "to be quilted" to the "finished in 2010" list!  Yeah, small victory but I'll take it.  I finished the snowman table runner.  All my girls will home next weekend for our Christmas together so I wanted to make the table festive. 

I also got the snowman collector quilt top almost done.  Still have two and a half more borders to put on and then the top will at least be done.   I hope I'll have it quilted before the snow starts to melt here!!  I really like pieced borders better than solid borders, but at least there are a few of them and that helps.

All in all not a bad week for quilting.  Won't get much done the rest of this week nor next week end.  Hey I had 3 good sewing weekends in a row, it couldn't last forever ;)


  1. Sweet........makes me wish for some snow :0)

    Happy sewing

  2. I love, love, love the snowman quilt! The runner is just the perfect little decor and thank you for the close-up shot so we can see the detail. Many blessing to you and your family this holiday season.

  3. Your Snowman Collector quilt is looking great. I have one on my bed right now. Love the pattern :)

  4. LOVE them both!! The little snowman makes me smile!

  5. That table runner is ADORABLE! Did you make up the pattern?

  6. Yes I made up the pattern for the table runner. I was making so many snowmen for Christmas gifts that I wanted one of my own and knew it would have to be simple if I were to make use of it this year. I had the snowman embroidery, added the words and sprinkled little snowflakes all over. I'll have a scene of snow babies in the middle on the dinning room table. It's really been all about the snow men this year for me!

  7. I love your snowman collector quilt, it's fabulous! Is it your own design or a pattern from somewhere?

  8. Snowman collector quilt is from Stitching Connection, they have a lot of cute things on their site, really like the baby blanket. I'm putting that one on my wish list


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