
Monday, March 14, 2016

Sunday funday

Lots of fun this weekend!! it the kick off the hands 2 help 2016! Four of us got together and have one quilt top completed along with the blocks for a second. This year I am doing it a little differently. For each quilt made for happy chemo, I'll make two for the Sage Cancer Center here in McHenry. With quite a few of us quilting we should have plenty to go around for all! What a great start,  this is the Hi quilt from Quilty magazine (Nov - Dec 2013 issue)  pattern to show off those big beautiful prints.  And it's good for those just starting out quilting.  Tally so far - 1 Happy Chemo, 2 Sage Cancer Center
Love these ladies - making the world a better place one quilt at a time
Hi Quilt #2
Hi Quilt #1 - Amy Butler meets Riley Blake

And I have this little sweetie on the frame. Using two layers of Hobbs Polydown  so this will be flat as a board when completed.  You know I love my panels.  This one is from Flirt I think.
A little panel fun
One more block from The Splendid Sampler, I'm only one block behind.
The Splendid Sampler Block 8

On Sunday we spent a wet day in the City.  They have a wonderful Van Gogh exhibit at the Art Institute.
Van Gogh at Chicago Art Institute

Then Sunday I helped this guy paint, we were inspired by Van Gogh but not nearly as creative.  Don't we look like little minions?

And here's a picture of the Chicago River Walk under construction. Where the gravel is, was all river before. It just amazes me how they add "land" to the river front for this project. You can see the skyscrapers going up in the background as well.  Those are right out side the window where I work so we've watched them go from a hole in the ground to full grown skyscrapers.  It really is fascinating to watch.  Last summer the little guy came down to the city to have lunch with me. He was just in heaven watching all the big machinery on the river.
Chicago Riverwalk expansion
Stop by the linky parties and go check out Hand2Help 2016.  There's a quilt kit as a sign up giveaway - yes that's right a full quilt kit that is super sweet.  Three great charities to choose from, great fun with a great bunch of folks making the world a better place  one quilt at a time!


  1. How great to have a fun day with some sewing buddies. This is a great charity quilt pattern and just know you will dress them up with your quilting. I think I have that Flirt Panel somewhere. Love the budding Van Gogh!

  2. Looks like a great weekend! I just love those birds in your panel!

  3. I too got a good chuckle at your minion goggles and your budding Van Gogh. ALways love when H2H comes around...

  4. Very cute minions indeed. Thanks to you and your friends for working so hard to make the charity quilts. I know they will be appreciated. You are awesome!

  5. What fun! I sure like the fabrics you are using for The Splendid.

  6. The Hi Quilts look great in the fabrics you chose. What fun to quilt with your friends.

  7. Few things better than making quilts to bring comfort to people in need of it. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!


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