
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Design Wall Monday 6/21

Oh my goodness it's been such a buys summer.  Just a whirlwind of activity.  It's hard to believe that we are moving are youngest daughter to Maryland in less than 2 weeks.  Work has been crazy too.  If you've left comments on my blog, thank you so much.  I do love hearing from you and I try very very hard to respond to all comments, even if it's a month late :(  I'll have a 12 hour ride out to the east coast, plenty of time to respond, please forgive my tardiness. In spite of all that is going on (someone tell me that June is NOT 3/4 over - shoot where did it go?) I did get a bit of sewing done.  I'm making great progress on Black Sea.  I have 5 grand blocks done and the next log placed on all the log cabins, ready for some chain stitching.
Black Sea Grand Blocks
Black Sea log cabins
I also got a bit of work done on Old Friends BOM.   I was so proud of myself working ahead, figuring out those nine patch blocks.  I have all 80 of them done.  Then was so excited to get the first of the nine patch nine patch blocks (there's gotta be a better name).  Seriously it wasn't until I ironed that block that I thought, uh oh somethings not right here.  What was I thinking???????  Oh boy, I know have 80 really cute itty bitty nine patches.  And 80 larger nine patch that I have to make.  So I'm just thinking, I'm not further behind.  I'm certain I"ll find something to do with those cute little nine patches (let me know if you have any ideas) and I'm really further  along in another quilt that I really new :)
80 cute, but much too small nine patches
Oh boy, that's not gonna work 
Ready to make 80 more nine patches
lol seriously did not think anything about the size until I ironed that block - just off by 50% - my my my
Linking up with some really great linky parties on the side bar.  Stop by and be ready to be inspired.


  1. I love your Black Sea! That one is on my buckel list. Just so you know, Beachy is back from the quilt show. It received favorable reviews from the judges, but when you have quilts that won prizes at AQS competing, there's no ribbons for simpler quilts. Thanks for the good job you did on it.

  2. I know you'll think of something to use those nine-patches. Maybe a medallion quilt? Have a safe trip.

  3. Love what's on the design wall!

  4. Those double 9 patches would look great as the inside of a square in a square. Black Sea still is fabulous. Is youngest daughter moving to MD for college, a job, to run away from home? We loved living in MD and my daughter still lives there with her family. But, MD is NOT nice to retirees.

  5. I've never seen the Black Sea Grand block. Isn't it a lovely one! and your Calico Gals quilt in the solids is going to be a beauty too.

  6. I've never seen Black Sea before. It's amazing. I'm going to have to put that on mt bucket list

  7. I love both of them! Those Black Sea blocks are amazing.

  8. Your Black Sea blocks are gorgeous! It looks to me like you are getting LOTS done despite the busy summer happenings!


I would love to hear from you, comments and questions welcome!