
Sunday, June 9, 2013

A sewing weekend - DWM 6/10 - Scap attack

Oh it's been a while since I took a day off for sewing.   But it's my husband's b-day weekend, so I needed a sewing day as I knew I'd give up plenty of time to that well deserving husband.  So I finally had enough. My scraps were starting to take over.  The biggest problem is that I was finishing projects and not putting things away. Then my scrap basked was super overflowing, something had to give.  Now I have a project that I really want to start (and finish in my lifetime), but I know I can't with the state of my sewing.  So I told myself 4 quilts and finish one of the "in progress" quilts and you can start that wonderful new quilt.  The quilt that I want to do is mentioned here, along with  2 of the 4 quilts for this pledge :)   So I did finish quilt top number 3 and some progress on "in progress" quilt.  Here's what we have
Must finish quilt in progress - blocks sewn together, that's progress :)

This is my favorite block from the bunch

Wait, no this is

Attack Scraps - quilt #3
And the time spent this weekend for the hubs b-day.  He's talked for so many years about his parents taking him camping and never being able to stop and see the Blackhawk Indian. Well ok they were only 10 mins away and to keep 3 boys quiet you would have thought they would have stopped. But we also went to White Pines State Park where they went as kids, and there's no comparison. The parents chose the right start park.  And there's not an 8 flight of stairs drop to the trails (where you can't see the Indian) .  What goes down must come up.  Ok but it's done and we can cross that off the birthday boys bucket list :)
My honey and his Indian
The Indian had quite the view
Must be love right?  8 flights down and then took a different trail back up.

Do you see where the Indian is and where the river front is???? Yep we did that, down and then back up.  


  1. Very pretty - oh my aching knees, but what a view!

  2. What a wonderful thing to do for hubby.
    Love your projects, especially the embroidery quilt. And about those scraps, they are never ending and tend to sneak upon one and explode when you aren't looking.... ;-]

  3. Blackhawk! Looking out for his eponymous team, it seems. I had a conference at Stronghold (west side of the river, a bit south of the statue) a year and a half ago--beautiful territory. I ought to take my husband out there this summer.

    Your quilts are great--blocks are embroidered?

  4. That hike shows real love: good for you. And your blocks are out of this world beautiful. So, when you get your "stuff" used and/or put away, will you come do mine. I had everything cleaned up and now I am again working in a small space because of all the clutter from past and/or ongoing projects. Uck.

  5. You must not be too far from me. My children all went to Stronghold for church camp (many years ago)! So I have seen the statue quite a few times. You had a great day to visit also.

  6. Love the embroidered blocks. I am so excited. I won your prize on H2H. That was so much fun to be a part of.

  7. I would love to know where to purchase those embroidered blocks!They seem familar but can't place the site. Your fabric colors look awsome with your thread colors

  8. I meant the site for the designs you used on the embroidered blocks!

  9. My, I bet you really enjoyed the celebration! Anyway, belated happy birthday and father’s day to your hubby. That wa really cool and tiresome! Which also reminds me of the movie, Sassy Girl, a korean movie. I really the unfinished quilt that you have done. It’s totally unique coz’ you have embroidered patterns. Wow, this must be very special.


I would love to hear from you, comments and questions welcome!