
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chenille and DWM

Fabric choices
Cyberquilters bucket challenge this month was Chenille.  I'd never done this so was pretty excited to give this a try.  I used the tutorial here  This one calls for 3 layers of flannel.  As I was searching for this link I saw one that called for 4 layers.  I think if you are doing 1/2 inch channels one additional layer might be nice.  I chose 3 different flannels,  to go iwth the stripe backing.  I 'm not sure what I was thinking, but for some reason I did think the pattern of the flannel that I chose for the top wouldn't show up as much as it did.  I would have put it on the bottom and the blue on top had I known.   I used scissors  to cut the flannel which was fine.  If I were doing another I would definitely get the chenille cutter.  The sewing was easy, just need mark that first line and then set everything to go 1/2 inch from there.  Boring but easy :)  I think it took longer to wash then it did to make.  Here's how it looks after 4 washing (yep, got my laundry yesterday :)
after cutting, before washing

All in all, don't think I'd make another.  This one is going to Rocko who needs a rug, he loves quilts.
Finished - washed 4 times

And here is my design wall, I decided to show the whole thing this time.  My husband was a bit surprised with everything on there.  He thought I had too much in progress at one time.  I didn't let him know there was stuff on the design wall in the room where the long arm is, nor that there was a project on the chair that I needed to dig out :)  But here's what we have:

  • flower blocks - was suppose to be a wedding quilt for nephew but made something else for him. Someday I'll do something with those. Been there for a while and going to be there a while longer
  • Little girl Owl quilt 3 more blocks to do.  These have been there for a while, and going to be there a while longer
  • Sea Shards - will it ever end - between this one and sea glass I'm getting sea sick - just need borders. Someone gave me  the idea of a port hole and I like this better than just the odd block.
  • 30's repo block swap from Pieceful Kwilter - it's not too late to join in, need to have blocks done and at Shannon's house by 3/31 - I finished all mine this weekend - nothing else got done, just these guys - all 30 of them.
Anyone out there using Google chrome as their primary browser?  I was using Chrome exclusively until I started having just a tiny issue.  It seems as though I can no longer comment on blogs (specifically blogger blogs) that have in line comments.  If people have their blogs set as a pop up window there is no problem at all.  Anyone else having this problem?  I think I'm gonna switch back to Firefox if I can't get this figured out.  I think it was in the Chrome last update that this started happening for me.  Of course it could be a setting in Chrome that I have incorrect, but I can't seem to figure that one out. 

Linking up with
Fresh Poppy Design


  1. I do like how it turned out. I think the little bit of pattern gives some interest on the chenille. What size is it? I just made one similar to it that's 42" square. I took forever sewing the diagonals, maybe I'm just slow. I think it's really cool looking and am hoping the mom it's for likes it this afternoon. I can't post it until after her shower. I had a similar thought, next time I'd buy the chenille cutter, and I would have layered my flannel differently. I probably will do this again, but not until I forget how much work it really was. :-)

  2. I love your chenille project and your design wall. Your wall is so neat. Mine is drooping and covered in threads.....grin.

  3. That's sweetly naive that he thinks your only works in progress are the ones he can see. My deep dark UFO secret is that I still have my Y2K swap quilt in pieces in a box.

    I love the X blocks.

  4. Oh, I thought you were supposed to have several projects going at once. Opps! Mine always does unless one gets so big it takes over the whole wall. Love the porthole idea (I was not that clever) and, of course, the owls are wonderful. I think I need to take a whole month and make nothing but owls. What a wonderful idea!!

  5. Love the wall today! Those owl blocks are so darn cute!!! And the flower blocks...oh my!
    Clever port hole!

  6. Great design wall Sue! Lots of inspiration going on there! Like everyone else, I'm in love with your cute owl blocks!!!

    I use Chrome and have not had that problem so far. But I'm not sure if my husband has updated the last update either, so may not be much help.

  7. Once again, I love your owls. Did you draw them up yourself? If I remember correctly you had some inspiration and went wild, so to speak. Not that I need a new project... heaven knows I need to finish some things! Great inspiration though, thanks.

  8. Once again, I love your owls. Did you draw them up yourself? If I remember correctly you had some inspiration and went wild, so to speak. Not that I need a new project... heaven knows I need to finish some things! Great inspiration though, thanks.

  9. I love your design wall, and I agree, the owls are darling! I too use Chrome, but haven't had any problems yet!!! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration - love your blog.

  10. I am intrigued by the art deco flowers...they look beautiful and like you have put a lot of work into them. Look forward to seeing whatever you do with them.

  11. I use Google Chrome. I have no problem Commenting unless the Word verification gets me...

  12. Boy that chenille looks like a lot of work but pretty! Great projects especially those cute little owls!

  13. Love the Sea Shards and all the lovely blocks on your design wall! Lots of irons in the fire but it looks like you've got it all under control!

  14. Drooling over your design wall! the colors and play of your fabrics and playfullness of the owls!


I would love to hear from you, comments and questions welcome!