
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Design Wall Monday - RRCB Done - completely done - it was a colorful weekend

RRCB is done, completely done and on the guest bed.   I want to make some pillow shams, but that wasn't on the agenda for this weekend.  I think an off white bed skirt would be better as well.

After I finished RRCB and she just came out of the drier I was all cuddled up with her watching a movie with my husband.  I was beaming with pride when I felt something poking me, and I mean really poking me, like sharp, like a pin.  And wouldn't you know it, I sewed a pin in the quilt!!  And where was they pin?? Yep, the HSTs!! I don't know why but it was a pin that parallel to the seam rather than perpendicular and I must have ironed the fabric right over it.  All that quilting and I never saw it.  After about 20 minutes and the help of my trusty point on the seam ripper I was able to wiggle it out between two stitches.  I'm so glad I found it rather than a guest!!  And I'm so happy I was able to get the pin out with out ripping out any seams.  Those silk pins are really sharp!  Someone left a comment saying that's why you sleep with a quilt before it gets used by others to make sure they have sweet dreams and to get all the pins out.

I was also working on something a bit more colorful, a little baby boy quilt.  This is my first french braid quilt.  I'm going to make one in batiks this year, on my list of things to do.  I got my CV (Amanda)  back from the shop on Monday.  Work week was busy so Amanda and I got reacquainted this weekend.   I was in the sewing room all weekend long.  Family members stoppes by every once in a while.  This quilt was definitely a family design affair, two daughters and husband all gave design input.  I think it turned out nice.  Just need to get the backing and quilt it.  21 more days until the baby gets here so I have a little time.

While I was looking for some white fabric I found these little cuties in my stash.  They must 5 years old.  There were 11 of them. Ya, 11?? what's up with that?  Well I also found some more of the same fabric so I can make a few more.  I think it will make a wonderful quilt for project linus.

So it was a very bright weekend.  Amanda is working like a charm.  I have the patterns ready to go as well,  I'll be sending out email to those that said they would like some.  I've got the list.   I also have a few books that I'm ready to part with and hoping they can find a good home as well.


  1. Love your RRCB! Looks great on the bed. I'm always afraid that I have sewn a pin in. You can bet I'll be checking mine! My RRCB is nearly a finished top, I have the rows all together but I haven't put the inner border on yet. I have the pieced border ready to go. I wish mine were finished too!

    Debbie in WV (member of quiltville)

  2. OH MY - glad you found that pin! Your quilt is beautiful. I know you will be back for another Bonnie Mystery - her quilts are SO MUCH FUN!

    sao in Midlothian, VA
    Charter Member of Bonnie's Mysteries :)

  3. Oh thank you for showing your RRCB - it is just beautiful! Well done on a large project. The baby quilt is a delight. Colorful, great pattern, and the applique just sets it all off. - And gotta love a scrappy border.

  4. Your RRBC is gorgeous - I'm just making a back for mine right now, so I'm a little behind you!
    I really like your french braid quilt too - ADORABLE!

  5. Your French braid quilt is beautiful.

  6. Love them all. I really want to try a French braid quilt. I bought the book, but that is as far as I got. I love yours.

  7. Congrats on your finish! The baby boy quilt is adorable!! :)

  8. I really like the way you thought outside the box for the french braid quilt. Of course it's obvious once you see it, but now I'll have a whole new way to look at them. I have one on my list for sometime.

  9. Your RRCB quilt is awesome, congratulations on finishing it. The pin in the quilt is surely a good luck thing, lol. The braid quilt is so cute, lucky boy.
    Alda, Fl

  10. Your RRCB looks so great with those blue bedroom walls and that pretty bed. Great job. And thank you for showing the close up of your quilting.

  11. Awesome job on the RRCB! You did yourself proud!!! Your baby quilt is really darling too.

  12. RRCB looks fabulous...congratulations! And that baby braid is adorable...I love it!

  13. Love the braid quilt...they are so easy and look awesome!

  14. SO many beautiful projects. I truely love your RRCB - and am glad you found & extracted the pin!

  15. Could you do a little tutorial on this baby boy braid quilt? I am a beginner level quilter but I just love it


I would love to hear from you, comments and questions welcome!