
Sunday, April 29, 2018

A little quilting therapy

Oh man, is there anything like quilting therapy so sooth the soul?? I don't think so. I did get a bit of soothing this weekend.  I was hoping to be finished with this quilt but not today.  I think I had so much enthusiasm for all the newly learned things and inspiration that I severely underestimated the complexity and time to complete a feathered cable and bead board that weaves in and out of the border.  Great idea, but maybe not for a time sensitive project.    This baby has to be completed and returned by Mid May.....that gives me 2 Saturdays and 1 Sunday to complete, then check for stitches that need to be redone, trim, check again......and ship so that it arrives in CA by May 15.  I can do this. The hardest part is over.  Figuring out what to quilt (even if it's too hard) takes time and consideration.  But I think I have it. So what do you think??   The pattern is Mill Girls BOM, Janice did an amazing job with this.  It's got Hobbs wool batting, sooooo yummy, and glide thread on top, 40 wt, with 60 wt glide in the bobbin.  
Hobbs Wool Batting, Glide 40 wt thread on top, Glide 60wt in the bobbin

Janice did a great job on this!  Old Mill BOM, just beautiful.  

I may have been a wee bit over inspired from MQX earlier in April!

The rulers....I'm never this messy when quilting but the rulers on this quilt are just so many and for all parts. I swear I cleared off this quilt at least five time!

Hope everything one has a great week.  And I've got a trunk show coming up on Thursday this week in McHenry, take a look at the last blog post for details.  Link parties in the sidebar, go get inspired!!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Trunk show - how exciting!!!

Has it been a month since I've posted???  Really, I was doing so good.  But hey,  I haven't been just sitting on my behind staring at my lovely thread collection. Oh no, I've been doing stuff, and I'm planning on doing more stuff!!!

First I'm really excited to be doing my first ever trunk show and chat about quilting.  Seriously who doesn't love a good chat about stuff like batting, backing, density, thread and how it all can be mixed and matched for different impact on the finished quilt?    I'll be talking with the County Quilters of McHenry, check out their blog and you can find them on Facebook too.  I'm a little nervous as I've never talked about my quilting or shown my quilts to a whole group of quilters (like quilters who know what their doing.  Not like my husband and family who tolerate my quilt chatter and have no idea if I know anything at all about quilting). But when it's about the quilting, well it's hard to hold back.  So if you're in the area, Shepherd of the Hills Church, 404 N Green St, McHenry, IL 60050, stop by, it's a great group of quilters!  Mtg starts at 7 PM on Thursday May 3.

So what else have I been doing???? Trying to get Janice's gorgeous quilt completed, need to finish that up this weekend.  Me and Amanda (my Millie) are going to be spending some quality time together this weekend, kinda miss her.  Check back on Monday for pics of this beauty!

Hands2Help2018 team has been hard at work, we have 3 tops together so far. Love these people, love that they take time out of their busy day for such good causes.  Quilting is always better with friends.

Hard to believe that we went to college together.  He rode on my handle bars of my bike down at Purdue West Lafayette 

Dorthy just had twin grand daughters, I've got baby quilts wait to get on the frame!

Hard days work but we got a lot done!

It was a beautiful day but a bit breezy 

Laurie's so sweet!!

Veronika was helping out with iron duty when the strips were almost done! She came in her quilters shirt ready to go

And the best part, I spent a week at MQX New Hampshire.  Oh my my my!!! The quilts, the classes, everything about it was amazing.  I had classes with Judy Madsen (her sister Amy is the sweetest thing ever), Deborah Poole, Karlee Porter, Bethanne Nemesh (who won 2 ribbons at the show, first place in whole cloth- un-freaking believable!)  I just can't express how energizing and fun this was.  And the quilts... oh my the quilts.  I've posted some on Facebook and some on Instagram.  It really was the best show I've ever been to. Just the right size, the classes were amazing.  There were some nice vendors, but really I felt like this was a show about the quilts and learning more than the vendors.  If you ever get a chance to go, you really should.  
Best of show, amazing!!!

Amazing right??  That bar is set so high!!

Yep so now, you're all caught up. See I have been doing stuff!!! Check back on Monday, I sure am hoping for a finsih!