
Thursday, March 29, 2012

FMQ Challenge and Whooping it up

Ok so I really wasn't sure that I honestly got the challenge this month.  So I cheated and went to see what others were doing, you can check it out here if you haven't already.  I just LOVE Ann Fahl and the work she does, I have her Dancing with Thread book and just love it!  I saw one person "doodled" and that really seems like Ann's style.  I really should have doodled on paper first, but hey March won't be here forever so I went straight to the fabric.  So here's what I have.  Not my favorite, but it was fun doodling. I think I might give this another try when I'm on vacation next week.

Oh and speaking of vacation how do you prepare for vacation?  Me here's what I have all ready to go.  All kinds of pieces for the kitty korner quilt (EQ7 project is on the project tab).  I'm doing this one in 2.5 in squares cuz that's what all those little bonus triangles from my swoon blocks turned out to be :)  I have enough for 25 blocks.  Add a couple of borders and I should be be able to be a 60x60 quilt which I think is a respectable size.

And I have all the granny squares done, just need to sash them and add a border or two. 

I've got the whole week off all by self.  I'm calling this a practice for retirement vacation.  My husband is working this week, the kids are either working or back at college.  That means I can sew and sew and sew all I want and no one will stop me :)  Now that's what I'm whooping about !!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Not a whole lot going on this week. I have 1 more Swoon block done the last 3 are cut and partially sewn, but I just couldn't finish them up.  I did put the bonus triangle from the Swoon blocks to good use.  I made 4 of my kitty corner blocks.  This will be a donation quilt.   I have one quilt on the frame that is about 1/2 way done, but I can't share it as it's a gift for someone. This is the first time that I've quilted a quilt that I didn't make.  Yikes, it's a tiny bit intimidating,  but it's a lot of fun doing the quilting :)

One week of work and then I have a week off.  I plan on catching up with all the quilting I want to do.  I hope this week goes by fast! 

Linking up with
Fresh Poppy Design

Friday, March 23, 2012

And the Winner is.....

Wow!!!  What a response I got for that giveaway, welcome and thanks to all the old and new followers!

The random number that was picked was 134 - Mrs Pickles from Mrs. Pickles Garden

Congratulations Mrs. Pickles (I smile every time I see that name :)  I sent you an email, please send me  your address.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


More Granny squares only 4 more to go.  Blue, black and white should make a nice baby boy, toddler boy quilt.

More Swoon blocks (blocks on the bottom) for a quilt for my bed, only 4 of those left too. 

Don't forget to check out the giveaway.  I'm giving away 2 Pezzy Print Charm Packs - you can find out all about here


Linking up with
Fresh Poppy Design

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy National Quilting Day!!

I finished a quilt that will be a Christmas gift this year, was suppose to be last year, oops.  But this year will be a wonderful gift for the the Kuzel's.  Tops done and I even know how I'm going to quilt this one, of course I've had many months to think about it :) The pattern for this  can be found  here. Still undecided about a border.  It's a decent size already since they are 18 in blocks.

If you haven't checked out the give away, take a look here, I"m giving away 2 Pezzy Print Charm packs.  Winner will be drawn March 23

Linking up with Sarah to see what everyone is whooping about.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's a time for a give away!!

Yep they're doing it again, a blog hop party with give-aways!! Be sure to stop by and see the list of participants which will be posted on March 17th.   Lots of goodies are up for grabs!!

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

But before you go, I've got a little something to give away.  I'm giving away 2 pezzy prints charm packs to one lucky winner.  All you have to do is leave a comment.  If you like, I would love to hear what you like to do with charm packs, cuz I've got a few more sitting on my table waiting for some great ideas.  The winner will be drawn at random on March 23rd when I wake up. Here's  a picture of all the great colors, and there are 2 charm packs for this give away.

Oh and one other thing, Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict is hosting Hands2Help 2012 charity quilt challenge, there are two great causes that need quilts.  You can choose one, or both :)  Sign up starts on March 18, and there's prizes and guest bloggers.  So get yourself signed up and ready to sew for a good cause. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

DWM - not a bad sewing weekend after all

Granny Sqaures
I think I did pretty good this weekend.  8 more granny square blocks, 4 blocks of suebobsquarepants, 4 Dear Jane blocks and Mirage is done.  I honestly thought that Mirage would never make it off the Waiting to Be Quilted list, but nope surprised my self.  It's not my favorite but it's a finish :)
HST Quilt - suebobsquarepants

Dear Jane - B13, B4, C1, C3
Sign ups are starting March 18 - March 24  for Hands2Help 2012 - and there's prizes!!!!  Check it out at Sarah's and sign up to make a quilt for one of two great causes, or make one for each :)

Linking up with
Fresh Poppy Design

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Whooping It up on Friday

Well I got a little more done this week than last week.  I couldn't resist the granny squares.  I'm making a baby/toddler size quilt for a boy.  I just love the granny squares.

I did finish Sea Shards, but I'm so tired of it that I'm not going to post again until it's quilted.

And I finally started on my Dear Jane Blocks - 3 done - oh so many many more to go.
Dear Jane A-4
Dear Jane A8
Dear Jane A6
There's another blogger giveaway for St Patricks day.  I have some fabric on my table that I don't want to put away so I'm giving it away :)  Stop back on 3/17 to see the goodies and  it check out
 Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

And Sarah is starting up Hands2Help for a couple of great charities.  The schedule will be posted soon, there's prizes and guest bloggers.  Stop by and see what's going on

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chenille and DWM

Fabric choices
Cyberquilters bucket challenge this month was Chenille.  I'd never done this so was pretty excited to give this a try.  I used the tutorial here  This one calls for 3 layers of flannel.  As I was searching for this link I saw one that called for 4 layers.  I think if you are doing 1/2 inch channels one additional layer might be nice.  I chose 3 different flannels,  to go iwth the stripe backing.  I 'm not sure what I was thinking, but for some reason I did think the pattern of the flannel that I chose for the top wouldn't show up as much as it did.  I would have put it on the bottom and the blue on top had I known.   I used scissors  to cut the flannel which was fine.  If I were doing another I would definitely get the chenille cutter.  The sewing was easy, just need mark that first line and then set everything to go 1/2 inch from there.  Boring but easy :)  I think it took longer to wash then it did to make.  Here's how it looks after 4 washing (yep, got my laundry yesterday :)
after cutting, before washing

All in all, don't think I'd make another.  This one is going to Rocko who needs a rug, he loves quilts.
Finished - washed 4 times

And here is my design wall, I decided to show the whole thing this time.  My husband was a bit surprised with everything on there.  He thought I had too much in progress at one time.  I didn't let him know there was stuff on the design wall in the room where the long arm is, nor that there was a project on the chair that I needed to dig out :)  But here's what we have:

  • flower blocks - was suppose to be a wedding quilt for nephew but made something else for him. Someday I'll do something with those. Been there for a while and going to be there a while longer
  • Little girl Owl quilt 3 more blocks to do.  These have been there for a while, and going to be there a while longer
  • Sea Shards - will it ever end - between this one and sea glass I'm getting sea sick - just need borders. Someone gave me  the idea of a port hole and I like this better than just the odd block.
  • 30's repo block swap from Pieceful Kwilter - it's not too late to join in, need to have blocks done and at Shannon's house by 3/31 - I finished all mine this weekend - nothing else got done, just these guys - all 30 of them.
Anyone out there using Google chrome as their primary browser?  I was using Chrome exclusively until I started having just a tiny issue.  It seems as though I can no longer comment on blogs (specifically blogger blogs) that have in line comments.  If people have their blogs set as a pop up window there is no problem at all.  Anyone else having this problem?  I think I'm gonna switch back to Firefox if I can't get this figured out.  I think it was in the Chrome last update that this started happening for me.  Of course it could be a setting in Chrome that I have incorrect, but I can't seem to figure that one out. 

Linking up with
Fresh Poppy Design

Friday, March 2, 2012

Whooping it up on Friday!!

Well not really, but thought if I said that what I have might seem a bit more impressive. :)  I have a block.  Yep that's it a block.  Pieceful Kwilter is having a 30's repro block swap.  Which sound really nice to me as I have absolutely NO 30s repro.  So I went got some fabric and made the first block.  Now I'm wondering if these are really 30's repo enough?  Then I thought, heck I don't even know what 30's repro fabric really is.  I know when I see quilts made out of them I really like them. But not sure that I like the individual fabrics enough to purchase any - go figure.  So here's what I have 1 block of 30 needed.  Is it good enough for a 30's repro swap? Also note this is my first ever block swap and I'm a tiny bit nervous.  Stop by Sarah's and see what other are whooping about.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

And the winner is....

Congratulations Lisa Cox who won the Jelly Roll! She's never used a jelly roll before so this should be a good one to get her rolling :) Lisa I sent you a private email. Please send my your email privately and I'll have your prize sent by Saturday. If I don't hear from you by Saturday, I'll pick another winner.

The response was really overwhelming, thanks everyone who played along. I hope y'all got some great prizes out there :)